Funny Things are Everywhere

Tiny little exerpts from my tiny piece of heaven

Just another day in paradise… August 30, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahkron @ 2:59 am


Or should I say — Wrigley Field! 

So most of you know that Jackson has an obsession with Jimmy Buffett.  I mean, his birthday party (that is in a week and a half!) is going to be a Jimmy Buffett birthday party…and boy will he tell you that!  It seems that he blesses us daily with his rendition of “Jimmy Buffet at Wrigley Field.”  Well, a couple of days ago the concert got a little crazy!  (Crazy Parrotheads!)

I was cleaning up dinner, Sawyer was in his exersaucer (watching and laughing at the “concert”), and Jackson was on the tile in front of our kitchen fireplace.  aka-his stage.   He was going through the normal concert and I was not paying too much attention bc I was cleaning up dinner.

“Welcome to Wrigley Field!!” Jackson says in his loud concert voice.  “It’s a nice, hot summer day!!”  He starts singing some Buffett song and then stops.  He says more quietly, “Mommy, I poopoo’ed!”

“Okay, Jackson.  Give me just a minute.”

Then back to his loud concert voice he yells into his microphone, “I poopooooo’d at Wrrrrriggggley Fieeeeeellllllldddddd!  We’ll be back in JUST a minute!”

He put his microphone down, grabbed a pullup and wipes, and waited for me to change him.  Fine.  I went back to washing dishes.  And he went back to the stage…

“Welcome BACK to Wrigley Fiiieeeelllldddd!”  And then broke into Brown Eyed Girl….”hey where did we go…days when the rains came…out in a puddle….playing a new game…”  His words are pretty funny.  Like, “Welcome to ChicagVo.”

I’m not going to tell him it has a G in it.  It’s pretty cute with a V!


I’m…in need….of a ….nap……. August 23, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahkron @ 2:33 am

Wow!  Where does the time go?!?  I just looked at the last time I blogged and it has been a while!  I won’t be posting any pics today…but let’s see if I can fill you in on our latest…

Brad’s folks came to visit us last weekend.  That was fun!  The boys always enjoy seeing grandparents!  Brad’s dad helped us to fix our toilet downstairs bc it seemed it was leaking from the base.  That could explain the moldy smell!  (I knew the bathroom wasn’t THAT dirty!  Ha!)  While the boys were “working,” Grandma and I were shopping!!  Fun!!  I never turn down an opportunity to shop….let alone a 30% coupon off already marked down sales items!  Thanks, MaryAnn! 

Hmmmm…..what else…..

Sawyer is crawling now!  He pretty much just decided yesterday to crawl….across the room…the entire room… the electrical cords!  Because they are so much more fun than the hundreds of dollars worth of toys that we own????  Oh, the simple life is OVER!

Sawyer has also been keeping us up lately.  He did just get a tooth.  That better be the problem…but you know, when I read the books he could fit EVERY problem!  Teething?  Yes.  Reaching milestones?  Definitely!  (All of a sudden this week crawling, sitting up in his crib and realizing that “hey!  this crib aquarium is really cool at 4 in the morning!, eating solids — now actual green beans, crackers, toast…pretty much anything he can his hands on.)  Talking?  YES!  He says “mama!”  (perfect!  Jackson’s first word was “dada!”….traitor.)  9 month growth spurt?  Could be.   Now more alert and remembers things on t.v??  Seriously, the Young and the Restless is not THAT scary!  Separation anxiety and misses mommy??  That must be it!

 Well….while I’m trying to fill ya’ll in, I’m realizing that I am VERY tired.  Will keep you posted…

Singing out….I mean signing out…well, I could also be singing and you would never know!  See, I’m delirious….


Give a cheer, give a cheer…Sawyer is clapping! August 13, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahkron @ 6:06 pm

This morning I went upstairs to get some clothes for the  boys.  Jackson yelled, “Mommy!  Sawyer is clapping!”  I didn’t really believe him at first, but when I looked downstairs — sure enough — Sawyer was clapping!  He’s been clapping all day and is quite impressed with himself.

 Here is a video of “TweedleDee” and “TweedleDum.”



Bedtime stories…Daddy’s way! August 3, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahkron @ 5:57 pm

Usually I put Sawyer to bed and Brad puts Jackson to bed.  Well, last night we pulled the ol’ switcharoo…and I learned some interesting things!

Jackson and I were reading an Elmo lift-the-flap book.  On one page there are numbers from 1 to 10 with pictures under the flaps.  Example — 1 Big Bird, 2 crayons, etc.  We were having fun finding all of the numbers and saying what was underneath the flaps.  We made it to the number 8…which was a refrigerator door.  When you open the flap it says “bottles.” 

“Eight bottles!” I said. 

“No, mommy” Jackson said.  “Those are BEERS!  Eight BEERS, mommy!”

Great job, Brad.  Way to go.  And Jackson will be enrolled in a Mother’s Day Out this September at a Baptist church. 

These things will go over well there, I’m sure.  Jackson will be a big hit.

Thanks, Daddy!  (Who denied the fact the he ever called them beers…and claims that Jackson came up with that by himself.  See what I deal with!?!