Funny Things are Everywhere

Tiny little exerpts from my tiny piece of heaven

I thought I could get away with it. June 13, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — sarahkron @ 6:48 pm

When our AC was out, Jackson had some “accidents” — if you know what I mean.  He’s been doing great with his potty training and hasn’t had any problems for months.  We all drank tons that week in order to stay hydrated…so that’s the excuse I’m using for him.  Anyway, I quickly learned that week that once he starts going he has to get to the potty immediately  or we’ll have a bigger problem.

So, two nights ago we went on a walk after dinner.  We came home and played outside for a little bit.  Then I asked Brad to chop down a tree/plant because I was tired of it growing insanely out of control.  I’m trying to tell Brad which plant to remove (and which plants NOT to remove) while keeping my eye on Sawyer and Jackson.  Well, Jackson came right up to me yelling that he had to go potty.  And I could tell he HAD to go.  I quickly surveyed the scene…Brad was cutting down the correct plant and Sawyer was watching him.  I couldn’t leave Sawyer with Brad and the saw.  I couldn’t pick up both boys and run in the house.  Jackson was never going to make it inside.  So….after making sure no one was looking, I took Jackson over behind a tree in our yard, pulled his shorts down, leaned him forward, and said, “GO!”  He looked at me like, “what????”  “Yes, go!  It’s ok.”  I figured he IS a boy, right?  Isn’t this what guys do?

So, he went.  I quickly pulled his britches back up and wiped a bit of sweat from my forehead.  I was a little stressed out by what I had just done…but I thought maybe he wouldn’t really “get it.”

Ha!  Jackson immediately ran over to Brad and was so excited!  He said, “Daddy!  Did you know there was a potty outside!?!”

Of course Brad looks at me and says, “No…I didn’t know there was a potty outside.”  Now I was getting that look again of “what do you do with my kids when I’m not around?”

“Well there is, Daddy!”  Jackson said proudly.  “It’s right over there!” he said as he pointed to the tree.

Sheesh.  So, later Jackson and I had a long conversation about why he went potty outside that one time…and why we won’t do it again.



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